Thursday, August 4, 2011

What I should have been writing about

When I opened this blog it was originally to document my time around shattering my elbow. After 2 posts I promised myself I would write about other things not covered by my music or fly fishing blogs but as I embark on a new aspect of my business (opening a multi studio music school ) I have found that I had better get some other thoughts down here or else I am breaking a promise to myself.

I wanted to review a book called "The Grand Design" By Stephen Hawking. Which I'll summarize as a book written by your most boring professor trying to be cute. Using science we can't see to prove God doesn't have a hand in the universe. Please note the similarity between the title and the maligned concept of Intelligent Design.

I thought about movie reviews but I didn't go to a lot of movies except for one Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 7.2. All I can say is why did you waste our time with boring scenes in 7.1? Some, like the Harry / Hermione dance scene, weren't even in the book. A 3 hour part 7 would have been fine.
Just after the movie came out news came that they are 're-booting' the Spiderman Franchise. ??? The dust hasn't settled on the last trilogy.

Either they have truly run out of ideas or new ideas scare the crap out the powers that be. 

Okay next post... What I did on my summer vacation.

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